Префектура Халкидики на севере Греции считается одним из наикрасивейших мест отдыха в Греции. Безупречно белый песок сливающийся с кристально чистой водой Эгейского моря, побережье с разбросанными по нему красочными традиционными деревеньками, чарующие пейзажи, волшебные маленькие острова создают райское окружение и теперь Ваша очередь открыть его для себя!
The climate in Sithonia and Halkidiki is ideal for bees to produce excellent high- quality pure honey.
The systematic cultivation of vineyards by local residents results in the production of excellent grape
varieties used to make top quality wines
Olive Oil
The area has large areas of olive groves which produce excellent oil and olives, among the best varieties in the world.
With many sights and stunning scenery to explore, a holiday to Halkidiki could just be what you are looking for.
Explore the bays.
Halkidiki is recognised for having the longest single stretch of coastline in Greece
Cruise around Mount Athos.
Sail along the “Holy Mountain’s west coast” and observe some fantastic monasteries.
Visit Thessaloniki
It combines rich cultural and historical heritage , cosmopolitan night life and top brands shopping.
Walking and hiking
With its spectacular setting, Halkidiki offers some excellent routes for walks and hikes.